Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about CRMS Athletics

1. What sports are offered at CRMS?

FALL: Girls Soccer (grades 7/8); Boys Soccer (7/8) Coed Soccer (two teams serving coed students in grades 6-8); Developmental Coed Soccer (6); Field Hockey (6-8); Coed Cross Country (6-8); Coed Golf (6-8 - we allow 5th graders if there is space)

WINTER: Girls Basketball (7/8); Boys Basketball (7/8); Coed Wrestling (5-8)

SPRING: Coed Track (6-8); Girls Softball (7/8); Boys Baseball (7/8)

2.  What other schools do CRMS athletic teams compete against?

CRMS participates in the Busline League, which included teams on the coast from Searsport to Wiscasset.

3. Who is able to participate in Sports?

It depends on the sport.  Students in 7th and 8th grade can participate in all sports.  6th graders are able to participate in everything except basketball, baseball and softball. 5th graders can participate in wrestling and, when space allows, golf.

4.    How do I enroll my son/daughter in athletics at CRMS?

We use an online enrollment process. Parents are required to complete the online enrollment form to official sign their child up for athletics. The forms are put on our athletics webpage prior to the start of each season.

5.    What health forms are needed to do in order for my son/daughter to participate in Sports?

We MUST have the following forms BEFORE students can begin any practice sessions (we do NOT make exceptions):

-    The health history form (needed every year, will serve as an entry ticket to practice)

-    An up-to-date physical – this should be on file with the CRMS nurse

6. How many days per week do Middle School sports meet?

CRMS sports meet, every school day Monday-Friday (typically no practice on weekends, vacations or holidays).  Practices are usually 1.5 hours long and will occur sometime between 2:30-6pm.

7. How do I find out if practice/game is cancelled?

If there is a cancelation your child’s coach will email you on the email you provided during sign ups. You can also check the CRMS Sportsline: we try to update the message by noon each day; it can be accessed by calling 236-7805 press option #2

8. Where are practices and home games held?

Home games and practices will typically be held here at CRMS in the gym or out on our athletic fields.  Exceptions to this are Cross Country/Track & Field (home meets are held at CHRHS) and golf (practices and matches are held at Goose River Golf Club).

9.    How does my son/daughter get to and from contests?

Our school district transports athletes by bus to all away contests.

10.  What if my student is not at school the day of a practice or contest?

Students must be in attendance prior to the end of 1st period they will not be allowed to participate on that day.

11. What if my child loses or damages his/her uniform?

All uniforms and equipment checked out to the students are the responsibility of the student. Any uniform or equipment that is lost will be billed to the student’s family.

12.  If I have additional questions about Athletics at CRMS, who do I contact?

Please contact, our Athletic Director, Jeff Hart, by email, or by phone 207-236-7805.

13. Do we ever let students from other towns play with CRMS?

We occasionally allow students from Hope, Appleton, Lincolnville schools to play with our school if we have the need to fill out a team due to low enrollment or we have a specific positional need for a sport (Pitcher/Catcher in baseball/ softball). If we have space(s) available we prioritize the opportunity for students who are in the 5Towns who are 1) continuing athletes in a given sport and 2) by Grade Level (oldest first). 
Ex. A student who lived in MA moved to Lincolnville and doesn't have a field hockey team. This player has played for years and will continue playing into the high school. 
Ex. We have 9 players for a softball team and need 5 additional players and a catcher to field a team. We may put out a request to the schools for additional players. 
Ex. HAL had a softball team last year but can't field one this year. We try to join given players into our mix so they can continue playing into their high school sport. 
Process: A request is made to the school principal or Athletic Director. An update is given before the sports season officially begins once enrollment is settled and the administration is able to make a final decision.